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Music Is LIfe

What really swings is the music of the United States, Cuba, the Caribbean and vicinity, and, of course, Brazil. The rest is all waltzes.

Cohen Hazel was born in Goodwill and grew up in Elmshall in Roseau. Cohen attended the St. Mary’s Academy where he co-founded the Ruff & Reddy band in 1989. Cohen created music, performed at many local venues and events and toured with his band of five musicians who he referred to as his closest friends.

The group of five included his cousin Clayton Hazel who played the drums and sang lead vocals, Fitzroy Mills who played second keyboard and backing round vocals, Mervin Delsol who played the bass and Daryl Bobb lead vocalist and guitarist. The band toured England, the French West Indies, and the Netherlands and toured to Trinidad & Tobago to back Ophelia Olivace Marie. The band was known for presenting many genres of music, the most versatile among the other Dominican bands of its type at the time.

Following his graduation from high school and an extensive career in music with Ruff & Reddy, Cohen moved to the United States in 1995 to further his education in the arts. He graduated with an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor Degree in Music and Education from the City University of New York at Lehman College. There he was able to develop skills in sight reading music scores, playing in school big bands and jazz bands, writing and composing several Orchestra pieces. While based in Brooklyn New York he formed another band playing similar music, which he and his colleagues called Sakaboyz. Sakaboyz recorded and performed together for eight years.

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“I just listened to it and said to myself, “Man, I really love this album.” Still, today, it just sounds so fresh. It sounds full of ideas. These guys knew what they were doing. They’re good. And they’re inventive. I haven’t heard anything this year that’s as inventive. I don’t really expect to.”